
Teaching social skills to youth 

This book is written by Boy's Town Press -- Boy's Town is a home for young kids and teens who have a variety of struggles, and this book has been updated many times over the years, and explain in detail the exact skills on which the houseparents are working with the children in care. These are tried - and - true, effective social skills that teens can use right away in a variety of situations.

General self-care

This book provides specific ways to focus clearly on your goals, without fear. It provides some effective, simple-to-implement strategies for building the skill of believing in yourself.

Book about how to determine what you want, and how to control your choices to maximize your ability to achieve your goals.  

  • The Courage to Be Disliked

This book helps with establishing a sense of self that can't be shaken by others' disapproval. 




The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck - helps with putting things into perspective, and not dwelling on things that cannot be changed. 



Biff: Quick Responses to High-Conflict People, Their Personal Attacks, hostile emails and social media meltdowns. -- Specific instruction for dealing with attacks without "getting into the mud" of conflict 



Learning how to set boundaries and enforce them through difficult conversations: 



The Audacity to Be You: Learning to Love Your Horrible, Rotten Self  -- an intensive exploration of who you are, and learning both self-acceptance and ways to harness your goals: 




I thought it was just me … But it isn’t: Women Reclaiming Power and Courage in a Culture of Shame 



Brene Brown’s book about overcoming shame and anxiety: 




Anxiety and re- focus 



Stoicism and the Art of Happiness: Book by Donald Robertson 

Learning to engage in mindfulness meditation in a way that is solution - focused and happiness- and priority- driven: 



Lost Connections: Book by Johann Hari 

Using mental re- focus to combat depression and anxiety: 




Career and life coaching:  


This book was written by a coach I have hired myself, and she’s the bomb!  

It provides a step-by-step process to overcome hurdles and meet your goals .. and gives specific tips, rather than hype like “live your destiny.” 


Naked at Work: A Leader's Guide to Fearless Authenticity